Pope Francis Declares That Christian Fundamentalists Are “A Scourge” by Michael Snyder for End of the American Dream
Why does it seem like virtually everyone wants to attack Christian fundamentalists these days? Two weeks ago, Pope Francis made some extremely controversial remarks, but those remarks really didn’t get much attention from the mainstream media. Of course if the Pope had targeted the LGBTQ community or some other favored group, it would have instantly made headlines all over the globe. But he didn’t. Instead, Pope Francis specifically attacked fundamentalists, and in today’s world that is considered to be perfectly okay. The following comes from the official transcript of the remarks that the Pope made on the 18th of November…
Beware of the fundamentalist groups: everyone has his own. In Argentina too there is a little fundamentalist corner. And let us try, with fraternity, to go forward. Fundamentalism is a scourgeand all religions have some kind of fundamentalist first cousin there, which forms a group.
Ostensibly, these remarks apply to fundamentalists from all religions. But by mentioning Argentina, the Pope made it exceedingly clear who his real target was.
There aren’t any “Muslim fundamentalists” or “Hindu fundamentalists” in Argentina. The fundamentalists that he was referring to are the Christian fundamentalists in Argentina, and in the very next sentence he denounced such people as “a scourge”.
Of course “a scourge” is another way of saying “a plague”, and what do we try to do to “a plague” when one breaks out?
That is something to think about.
And although the term “fundamentalist” is now sometimes used to refer to other religions, from the very beginning it has always been a Christian term. The following comes from the Encyclopedia Britannica…
Christian fundamentalism, movement in American Protestantism that arose in the late 19th century in reaction to theological modernism, which aimed to revise traditional Christian beliefs to accommodate new developments in the natural and social sciences, especially the theory of biological evolution. In keeping with traditional Christian doctrines concerning biblical interpretation, the mission of Jesus Christ, and the role of the church in society, fundamentalists affirmed a core of Christian beliefs that included the historical accuracy of the Bible, the imminent and physical Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and Christ’s Virgin Birth, Resurrection (see resurrection), and Atonement (see atonement). Fundamentalism became a significant phenomenon in the early 20th century and remained an influential movement in American society into the 21st century.
So what is a “Christian fundamentalist”?
Well, it is basically someone that believes the Bible is literally true, that believes that Jesus Christ died for our sins and rose again, and that believes that Jesus is coming back someday.
In other words, the Pope considers millions upon millions of American Christians to be a plague that is infecting our planet.
During those same remarks on the 18th of November, the Pope also once again pushed his “interreligious cooperation” agenda…